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Small Group Communication Partner Training

The Small Group Communication Partner Training series will provide you with an opportunity to move through the training with live instruction and problem solving. This training series will give your staff the understanding and tools to create opportunities for communication. Participants will learn their role as communication partners, how to empower communication, support communication, and create opportunities for communication. With this foundation participants will be prepared, and engaging as they support communication spontaneously in the community, home, and school setting.

The series includes four 1-hour live training modules, with Darlene Hanson. SLP. Participants will have an opportunity to share their specific questions and scenarios throughout the training. Together we will complete communication dictionaries, and action plans for building communication. In addition, each participant will have access to a private “Padlet” where resources, stories, and community will gather to support and further growth as a communication partner. Space is limited for this training.

Cost: $375

Contact: for information and to sign up!

June 28

Communication Partner Virtual Training